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The Spooky Time
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
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The Spooky Time celebrates all things scary: It’s the ideal display typeface for any spooky Halloween-themed creative project.
Features :

  • PUA Encoded 100% Acessibility
  • Standard Ligatures

If you don’t have a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw X Versions, you can access all the alternate glyphs using Font Book (Mac) or Character Map (Windows).To Access Alternate Characters Click The Link Below:

How to access alternates in Adobe illustrator CS

How to access alternates in Adobe illustrator CC

How to access alternates in Ms Word

How to access alternates in Coreldraw X7

How to access alternates in Indesign CS

How to access alternates in Adobe Photoshop CC

If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact me by email.

Thanks and happy designing

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The Spooky Time

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