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California Sunrise
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
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California Sunrise is a sweet, soft hand-lettered script. The playful rounded characters make it the perfect font for creating stunning crafting art. California Sunrise comes packed with full Latin support, which will allow you to add a decorative touch within seconds. Get inspired by its authentic feel and use it to create gorgeous wedding invitations, beautiful stationary art, eye-catching social media posts, and cute greeting cards.


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California Sunrise

Starting at $10

Feature Standard Extended Corporate
Users & Devices 1 user, 3 devices 250 devices Unlimited
Personal & Commercial Use ✅(Unlimited Use) ✅(Unlimited Use) ✅(Unlimited Use)
Social Media ✅ (Image Only) ✅ (Image & Video Including Ads) ✅ (Image & Video Including Ads)
Print Media (Static Images, Merchandise and other printed media.) ✅ (Unlimited Print) ✅ (Unlimited Print) ✅ (Unlimited Print)
Logo Usage ✅ (Cannot Register) ✅ (1 Brand/Trademark) ✅ (1 Brand/Trademark)
Website Use ✅ (Unlimited Domains) ✅ (Unlimited Domains)
Publishing ✅ (Max 5 Books) ✅ (Max 5 Books)
VOD (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) ✅ (1 Title)
Film & TV Usage ✅ (1 Film/TV Ad)
Business Size <50 Employees 50-250 Employees 250+ Employees
PayPal Logo Secure payment handled by PayPal

Product Information

Options License , ,
SKU 2PPL9864
Categories, , , ,
License Assistant

License Assistant makes it easy to choose the right font license for your needs.

Social Media
Document and Print Media
Website Use
VOD/Movie/TV, etc



1-50 employees
50-250 employees
More Than 250 employees

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